🎃 Dev Blog: Ghost Pinball Tuyul Adventure - Post Mortem 🎃

Greetings, ghostly gamers!

(Ok here comes the hard post, lol.)

We’re here with the post-mortem of "Ghost Pinball: Tuyul Adventure," and no, it’s not as grim as it sounds—well, maybe just a little. Grab your popcorn, because we’re about to take you on a hilarious, heart-touching, and slightly dark journey through the making of our supernatural phenomenon game!

🕹️ The Birth of a Ghostly Adventure

Once upon a kliwon friday midnight dreary (okay, maybe it was just a regular Tuesday), our team gathered around a flickering computer screen. We asked ourselves, "What’s scarier than Monday mornings?" The answer was clear: give birth a baby ghost named Tuyul, then got wrongfully accused of theft by the others. Thieves scream for thieves the way "I scream for ice scream"! Tadaaa~~~ What started as a joke quickly turned into a full-fledged adventure! Ok, sort of. Maybe. 

👻 Character Highlights

  • Tuyul, the Baby Ghost: Our innocent and adorably mischievous protagonist. Wrongfully accused and determined to clear his name, Tuyul is the heart of our game. He’s cute, he’s spunky, and let’s be honest—he’s the only ghost we’d trust with our afterlife savings. In the original Ghost Parade IP that we already released previously in PS4/5/Nintendo Switch/Steam published by Aksys Games (which is our ambassador beloved IP), Tuyul is actually a beloved ghostly sidekick of our human main character little girl named Suri. You can read more about them on our Instagram or play our game in Steam. Oh, we also have the printed comic, anyway. 
  • Babi Ngepet Gang: The real culprits! These boar demon gangsters are as sneaky as they are rotund. With a penchant for stealing treasures and causing chaos, they’re the perfect villains for Tuyul to face. This one came from the silly ideas but yeah let's consider it works lol. 
  • The King of Babi Ngepet: The big boss with a big appetite for mischief. Operating from the notorious Babi Ngepet Palace, this kingpin is the brains behind the heists. He’s the boar we all love to hate! In original Ghost Parade stories, the king doesn't have lot's of stages and he demands the spotlight. So yeah, let's give him a speech or two. 

🎢 The Rollercoaster Ride of Development

Developing "Ghost Pinball: Tuyul Adventure" was like being in a haunted house reality show—full of surprises, thrills, and some honest few screams (mostly from our QA and marketing team lol). Here are some highlights:

  • Coding Chaos: There were days when our code felt more like ancient runes. Cryptic, unreadable. Debugging was like performing an exorcism, everyone swear by the name of God. It makes us pray more than our parents taught us to do so, lol. Good news, now we made it through (mostly) unscathed. We hope. 
  • Artistic Antics: Our game artists and designers had a blast creating the whimsical world of Svaka Forest. From lush landscapes to quirky characters, every stages and levels was crafted with love—in the battlefield. 😂😂

😂 Hilarious Hiccups (Help!!)

  • Nightmare Fuel: We had so many nightmares during development, that we lost count. But hey, let’s just say we had a few extra Halloweens. Too many trick-or-treat? Ahh.. no worry. Our team delved too deep into the world of the dead. And it's not only us the team, lol, even our CEO too, sometimes, she forgets she's still living! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😂😂 ok just kidding!
  • Bugs and Boos: We encountered bugs that would make a mummy scream. But our team faced them head-on, armed with nothing but coffee and dark jokes. What day is today again? Oh.. we still have bugs? Ok, let's brew some more coffee. 
  • The Glitch: There were more than one-time Tuyul and Babi got stuck in an endless loop of laughter. While it make them seems hilarious, it wasn’t quite what we intended. Thanks to our brave coders, Tuyul is now free to haunt without getting stuck.

🌟 Player Love and Support

The launch of our game has been an incredible journey. Seeing players enjoy Tuyul’s adventures and hearing your laughter makes all the hard work worthwhile. Your feedback, support, and even your spooky fan art have been the fuel that keeps our ghostly fire burning.

💖 How You Can Help

Creating "Ghost Pinball: Tuyul Adventure" has been a labor of love, laughter, and a bit of madness. Your support means the (under)world to us. If you enjoyed the game, or even just enjoyed reading this post, consider making a donation. Every contribution helps us bring more adventures to our life and dead game career,lololol.

📣 Stay Connected

Want more laughs and ghostly tales? Follow us on social media for the latest updates, events, and behind-the-scenes shenanigans. And don’t forget to check out our comic series on Instagram @ghostparadecomic for even more deadly funny jokes and stories featuring Tuyul and his spectral sidekicks!

Thank you for joining Tuyul and friends on this ghostly adventure. We hope you enjoy playing (and laughing) as much as we enjoyed creating it. And remember, if you start seeing ghosts, it’s not because you’re haunted—it’s because you’re in the Halloween spirit year-round!

📜 Our Humble Beginnings

This is our very first adventure into the world of mobile gaming as indie developers, so please be gentle with us! We poured our hearts, souls, and a few midnight screams into this project. Every download, every laugh, and every donation means the world to us. We may be new to this, but with your support, we're ready to haunt the gaming world with more adventures!

With ghoulish giggles and gratitude, The Development Team at Lentera Studios

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